Haifa FAQ

Haifa FAQ

Where to stay in Haifa?

Bay View Hotel Haifa is the perfect place to stay while exploring the city. Our central location makes it easy to get around, whether you’re here for work or pleasure. Book your room today and start planning your perfect vacation.

How easy is it to get around Haifa?

Haifa is a very compact city, making it easy to get around on foot or by public transportation. Bay View Hotel Haifa is centrally located, making it even easier to explore all the sights and attractions Haifa has to offer.

What are popular food items and drinks in Haifa?

Haifa is known for its fresh seafood, so be sure to try the local catch while you’re in town. Other popular food items include hummus, falafel, and shakshuka. As for drinks, coffee is a must-try in Haifa. You can find some of the best coffee shops in the city near Bay View Hotel Haifa.

What is there to do in Haifa?

There’s plenty to see and do in Haifa, from exploring the Baha’i Gardens to visiting the archaeological site of Tel Shikmona. And of course, no visit to Haifa would be complete without taking in the incredible views from Mount Carmel.

How to get to Haifa?

Haifa is located in northern Israel, about 90 minutes from Tel Aviv by car. There are also buses and trains that run from Tel Aviv to Haifa regularly.